Web App Design + Development, Team Augmentation
USA Cycling Design System
A Bold Step for an Established Brand

It’s a rare opportunity to help shape a 100+ year old organization in a dramatic way. When we began working with USA Cycling in a team augmentation capacity we sought out to provide them with a path forward to design and build scalable functional web products for their membership for the next century. In the process we developed a universal Design System, frontend component library, and standardized documentation as a base to engineer and refresh their software stack.

The Result
As a team we dug into every customer process, business need, and system that USA Cycling supported and identified the core workflows and processes common across applications. Using that information we simultaneously created a frontend Design System to serve as a baseline of new UI components, and worked to map a cleaner and more performative data structure on which to build the next generations APIs. After this, we were tasked to create and document a common set of frontend components based on our design system such that new interfaces could be more quickly assembled.
USA Cycling serves tens of thousands of monthly users with over a dozen distinct apps and software tools. Working with a team of internal and external developers, we were tasked to organize and lead the wave of next generation development for this well established brand.
As a team we researched every customer process, business need, and system that USA Cycling supported and identified the core workflows and processes common across applications.
Using that information we simultaneously created a frontend Design System to serve as a baseline of new UI components, and worked to map a cleaner and more performative data structure on which to build the next generation APIs.
After this, we were tasked to create and document a common set of frontend components based on our design system such that new interfaces could be more quickly assembled.