Web + API Development
Member Directory, Membership Badge, and technical overhaul

The Result
We provided ASIRD with a complete technical overhaul – encompassing their marketing website, replacing their back of house membership portal, and producing a new membership directory and API driven member authentication badge system. Additionally, Bowtie was able to migrate and restructure their member database to make it 300% more performative, provide new methods of input and member record validation, and collapse and combine records in unique ways to create useful performance comparison charts that surgical teams did not have previously.
ASIRD tasked Bowtie with completely overhauling their technical stack, which consisted of several recent and legacy applications, and a convoluted database with several years of member records. The goal was a sleek new platform that would better represent membership, assist patient educations, and create efficiency throughout the organization.
The American Society of Implant & Reconstructive Dentistry (ASIRD) is a nationwide not-for-profit association dedicated to educating consumers on the value of dental implants and the importance of choosing an experienced surgeon and dentist team. As the premier membership organization for practitioners of oral and maxillofacial surgery and dentistry in the USA, ASIRD serves over 500 member dentists and surgeons, offering continuous education service and patient education and marketing benefits to their members.
In answer to their needs, Bowtie created a new React/Rails API driven admin application to manage members, with multiple roles and sub-roles, import and edit data, produce exports and reports, and publish real time data to two other web applications - a marketing website and a public directory of practitioners (also built by us). The new ASIRD directory presents Doctor information in a beautiful new responsive interface that makes it easy for patients to quickly find their nearest ASIRD certified surgical team, and submit leads to their marketing platform.
To further enhance member credibility, we built a living ‘badge’ (a la authorize.net) that dentists can embed on their personal sites to show real time certification and member status. Any change to a member’s record or status and the badge will regenerate via the API. And, since we were interested in an SEO benefit, the badge is actually rendered as an on-page image linking back to the directory sites of the dentist and their local surgical team.
High Level of Intelligence and Skill
We’ve worked with Bowtie over the last ten months to rebuild and enhance the application that handles our membership records and to redesign our website. Working with them has truly been a pleasure. They put in significant time to understand our needs and brought a high level of intelligence and skill to design. They’re just great people to work with as well, very warm and real. We are continuing to work with Bowtie to expand marketing capabilities possible within our application. Highly recommended!
- Amy, Executive Director